# CONFIG_SITE # Make any application-specific changes to the EPICS build # configuration variables in this file. # # Host/target specific settings can be specified in files named # CONFIG_SITE.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH).Common # CONFIG_SITE.Common.$(T_A) # CONFIG_SITE.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH).$(T_A) # CHECK_RELEASE controls the consistency checking of the support # applications pointed to by the RELEASE* files. # Normally CHECK_RELEASE should be set to YES. # Set CHECK_RELEASE to NO to disable checking completely. # Set CHECK_RELEASE to WARN to perform consistency checking but # continue building even if conflicts are found. CHECK_RELEASE = YES # Set this when you only want to compile this application # for a subset of the cross-compiled target architectures # that Base is built for. #CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS = vxWorks-ppc32 # To install files into a location other than $(TOP) define # INSTALL_LOCATION here. #INSTALL_LOCATION= # Set this when the IOC and build host use different paths # to the install location. This may be needed to boot from # a Microsoft FTP server say, or on some NFS configurations. #IOCS_APPL_TOP =